Z I M | January 2008 |
Short Info: HBC (Hungary) |
Wolfram Fischer
Zentrum für Informatik und wirtschaftliche Medizin
CH-9116 Wolfertswil SG
D.5 aus:
The DRG Family
State of affairs: 2007
D.5 |
HBC – Homogén Betegség-Csoportok (Hungary) |
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Due to language limitations, I have relatively little knowledge about the Hungarian system. But thanks to a long-lasting participation of Hungarian experts in PCS/E conferences,1 some of texts on the HBC system were also made available in English. |
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2 Cf. Nagy [HBC year 1, 1994]; Broncz et al. [HBC, 2004]. 3 Rodrigues et al. [HBC, 1994]: 28. 4 Bordás et al. [HBC, 1995]: 189; |
HBC lumb sums |
The first Hungarian DRG projects date back to 1986. In 1993, an HBC-based remuneration was introduced.2 There were 467 groups defined.3 As in many other countries, the first DRG case lump sums introduced in Hungary were initially applied using hospital-specific base rates.4 – Version 5.0 of 2005 comprised 796 HBCs.5 |
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6 Nagy et al. [HBC Chemotherapy, 2007]. |
Chemotherapy HBCs |
In 2006, for several chemotherapy schemes 16 HBCs based on therapy cycles were introduced. Within such an HBC, chemotherapy can be initiated in accordance with distinct protocols. The cost weight is identical for all protocols. It refers to a treatment cycle (and not to the whole treatment case). Also, it does not depend on whether the patient is treated inpatient or outpatient. Expected length of stays and trimpoints, as well as number of phases per cycle depend on the protocol chosen.6 |
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References |
Bordás I, Nagy J, Károlyi Z. Refining the Hungarian Health Care System Using Classification System. In: Proceedings of the 11th PCS/E International Working Conference, Oslo 1995: 184–194. | 5 | ||||
Broncz I, Nagy J, Sebestyén A, Kövi R, Dózsa C. 10 Years of Experiences of the Nation-Wide Application of the DRG Principle in Hungary. In: Proceedings of the 20th PCS/E International Case Mix Conference, Budapest 2004: 138–139. | 6 | ||||
Nagy J, Károlyi Z, Ladányi P. Experiences of the First Year of the New Hospital Financing. The Hoped For and the Actual Changes. In: Proceedings of the 10th PCS/E International Working Conference, Budapest 1994: 15/1–10. | 7 | ||||
Nagy J, Dozsa C, Borcsek B, Kiss Z, Kerekes E. Refinement of DRGs Reimbursement for Chemotherapies Based on Medical Protocol in Hungary. In: 23th International PCSI Conference, Venice 2007. | 8 | ||||
Rodrigues JM, Nagy J, Trombert-Paviot B, Belicza E, Rusch P. Comparison between US DRG and HBC (Homogen Betegseg Csoport = Disease Homogeneuous Groups). In: Proceedings of the 10th PCS/E International Working Conference, Budapest 1994: 26–34. | 9 |
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